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NLP Coach Program in India

NLP Coach Program in India

NLP Coach Program in India

NLP Coach Program in India

NLP Coach Program in India

NLP and Coaching have gained immense popularity in India over the last 2 decades. Both these skills have more than one organization (ABNLP, ANLP, UK, Society of NLP, International Coach Federation, ICF-USA, International Association of Coaching etc) governing the certification accreditation. Both the skills are based on the concept of having heightened awareness about oneself.

NLP was startedby Richard Bandler and John Grinder somewhere in the 1970’s, whereas professional coaching gained popularity in the 1990’s when W.T. Gallwey wrote a book “The inner games of Tennis’ even though it has been used by people since ages.

NLP Coach program in India is an awesome combination of both the skills and techniques that uses the best of both to help people chalk their way out to success/ happiness whatever they would like for themselves.

One of the major similarities between the concepts of NLP and Coaching is self-awareness:

Both NLP and coaching focuses on helping an individual understand oneself. It helps you find answer to questions like, “Who am I really?” “What is the reason for me to do what I do” “What are my value and belief systems that make me click to do great work?” “Why is my goal important for me to pursue?” “What makes me act/ react in a particular manner in certain situations, and how can I have better control over them?” “How do I look at people, when they behave in a certain manner?” “How do I look at situations differently to get different results?”

Basically both NLP and coaching help you in deep diving and know yourself better to gain control over different areas of your life. Both skills take you towards self-discovery, a journey which will allow you to be your best, and do your best in whatever you aim to do. Usually in our day-today mundane and ever demanding life, we hardly take time to reflect and think about ourselves, what are our goals, what are our aspirations, what do we really want to do, what makes us happy. NLP Coach Program in India gives you this opportunity to think about yourself and explore the unknown or rather discover that part of your personality you are unaware of.

If you look at the methodologies of both these skills, there is one major difference that you will observe. NLP is a skill that likes to experiment with wide variety of techniques and methodologies that would help an individual achieve what he/ she wants. Coaching alternatively is a skill that focuses on a singular perspective of the ‘individual’ by herself/ himself, using many frameworks, that includes NLP as coaching framework, as well. NLP Coach program in India helps you get the best of both and having a combined certification of both these skills can be the best thing that can happen to any professional in the field that involves ‘working with the thoughts and emotions of people’.

Coaching is a highly demanding profession. As a professional NLP coach you have to be highly alert, non-judgmental about your clients, mindful of what your client is saying.  And Listening as many of you may be already aware of, is not just about the words that we hear during our conversation with clients. Listening is much more than those words. Listening is also about understanding the unsaid communication through expressions, body language, meaning behind the said words, seeking clarification in definition of words that many have different meanings for different people, and much more.

There are many institutes offering courses on NLP and Coaching in India, our integrated approach of an NLP coach program in India is where you get to experience the power of NLP and learn how to use NLP in Coaching.  Our course content is approved by the International Coach Federation which is highly recognized internationally.

Since both the professions are new to the Indian community, when compared to when NLP and Coaching started in the Western countries, there is an amazing scope for individuals to undergo this integrated course of NLP Coach Program in India. With the increasing competition in the corporate world and the increasing need for people to continue believing in themselves; this profession can create wonders for them, as well as for the community. While other careers can offer you great money, this profession of Coaching with NLP also offers you great satisfactions for the kind of service you offer to individuals who are struggling in their day to life in finding solutions for the little big problems that they are in.

If you are looking forward to join us in our mission to spread NLP and Coaching in India, do consider to join us for any of our Integrated NLP Coach Programs in India during our bootcamp or our regular NLP and Coaching programs from NLP Coaching Academy.

We offer these programs in Bangalore, Chennai, Pune, Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Cochin,   Coimbatore, Dubai, and in Burma.